A shop window in the Donisl Passage Munich becomes ZOOOM Showroom!
From Thursday, 26.01.2017 to 12.03.2017 the designers of the ZOOOM use the kreativ@muenchen shop window in the DONISL Passage to introduce themselves to the public. The shop window is available to various creatives from Munich. One week after the imm Cologne Furniture Fair, Munich people also have the opportunity to get to know the latest works by young furniture designers.
The Hockenheimer on the theater stage! In the TAK production “Art” by Yasmina Reza in Schaan / Liechtenstein, the Hockenheimer is part of the stage setting –
See nju auf der imm! Bereits zum vierten Mal findet der Designers Tower im Rahmen der Kölner Passagen statt. Gezeigt werden innovative Möbel und Einrichtungsgegenstände von 8 Designern und Studios aus Deutschland. Die Aussteller stehen für unterschiedliche gestalterische Ausrichtungen und Produktlinien. Die Kombination garantiert somit eine attraktive Mischung verschiedener Materialeinsätze und Gestaltungsweisen. Alle Exponate sind [...]
Frisches Design opens a sales booth at the Nuremberg Christkindlmarkt – a Christmas pop-up where young designers from the region can present and sell their products from 27.11.- 24.12.16…
Zooom shows Njustudio products in the Donisl Passage Munich
A shop window in the Donisl Passage Munich becomes ZOOOM Showroom!
From Thursday, 26.01.2017 to 12.03.2017 the designers of the ZOOOM use the kreativ@muenchen shop window in the DONISL Passage to introduce themselves to the public. The shop window is available to various creatives from Munich. One week after the imm Cologne Furniture Fair, Munich people also have the opportunity to get to know the latest works by young furniture designers.
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